Monday, November 30, 2009


wow i feel alot of regret riight now. i was invited to this kids "swagga sixteen" that i've known since 5th grade. nd i didnt go b/c the two people who r my friends who were gonna go couldn't...nd i don't go to parties alone like tht. i mean i kinda knew who was gonna b there nd i dont like his friends so i didnt go. thn i see the pic's on fb and it mad me regret no going b/c Tee was there! and it just looked like fun in general but i think im juss making myself feel bad....b/c most of those people i wouldn't have any real fun with so it mite have been a good party but not one fo rme to go to. BUTTT its all good cuz im invited to another party for dec 12 next week so i looking forward to tht b/c my REAL friends are going so i know i'll actually have a good time and not "fake" fun. You know wut im tlking about :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

my hair cut epiphany

When I first got this “trim” I had mixed feeling about it. I liked it because it was shiny and straight and flowed with me but I hated it at the same time because it was so short. People told me it wasn’t that short especially my friend who had a similar problem with getting a “trim.” I felt like the black news caster on TV with the pretty face and short professional hair. It was feeling it for a few hours until I tried to put it into a ponytail. It looked ugly and short…just the kind I hated. I immediately wished for my long hair back. I felt like I could only do one style: down or half up half down. I finally however realized something today…it was kinda like a mini epiphany. I needed that “trim”, that haircut. When she was cutting off those dead ends and I was letting go of all the things that hurt me, the person I once was. She was preventing those split ends from getting worst and destroying my hair and I was preventing the monsters of my past from harming me any longer; destroying myself, my being. I was cutting off my old ways making room for the new me….the me that could work hard for what she wanted, do HER, strive for success, and forget about the haters. So even though I still don’t really like my hair cut…I can embrace it and learn to live with it because it symbolizes so much more than just cut hair…it’s a cut into my new life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


so ive finally fallen into this crazy not fully hooked yea but its pretty um follow me @tibaDee

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


so i promised i'd tell you about the new guy that i kinda liked. well its like this...
i feel very empty in school like it was feeling so dead so i told this to my friend and he told me that i prob needed someone to be with me so i wouldnt feel empty. so then my girl shanice tells me she noticed im always fighting with this boy in my class who we'll call Tee. so i realize that he liked me and because of that i started liking him....buuuuuut now i dont like him so this post was kindof a waste lol :)