Thursday, July 16, 2009

update 'n

so i promised u guys id tell u what happnened but its alot so im gonna list it
1, my ex was getting jealous caz i was tlking to this chocolate cutie named E.
2. the ex hit E nd everyone got mad at him
3. i stopped tlking to him.
4. swaggs brother goes to the camp nd he was eyeing me so i furgured he liked me. when me n my brother n his friend were sitting on our bus line n swaggs brother asks my who am i caz im hot nd he yells thats my sister. so thn im texting this kid alex my brothers friends who's on swaggs brother's ( S.B) bus asking him whats S.B said nd he said i look good.
5. im tlkgin to this boy on my bus and he asks if i have a boyfriend nd im like no nd he's like my friend S.B. likes you. so the problem here is i kinda like him too cuz he is a cuter version of swagg , he got a body odie odie buuuuut this is always the problem he's 14 n gonna b a freshman this yr when im a junior...dayuuum idk man i got this stuff all backwards. but he is a cutie
6. the ex still tryna get wit me even tho he got a girl now...wait scratch that he got 3 girlsfreinds. yep nd everyone except thm kno it. he pretends he is single so he can bag more girls nd comes up to me asking me if i need help wit the kids wit this smile on his face im like uh no.....caz i knew what shit he was tryna pull there...asshole.
7. i saw harry potter last niite wit people from camp and E was there. i ended up sitting next to was kinda akward. plus i was tired nd this kid was making out with this girl from our camp in front of me the whole time like dayummm nd the seat was alll i learn that he was fingering her? wtf son never going to the movies wit them again.

well thn thats all up to date so i'll let u kno what happens next :)

1 comment:

  1. lls..that was like hella hard to keep up with lmao. But i tthink i got it. Why do boys always think that they can pull hella girls without them knowing...but any who as for for the freshman. If i was in that situation i think i would just stay friends with him personally because i like dudes older than me... but uh, those kids from ur camp r nasty. they should have gotten a room..lmao... thats just trifling and way too public
