Friday, July 31, 2009

soul searchin

i need to some serious like damn SERIOUS soul searching b4 i go back to skool. today was SB's last day and i couldnt tlk to him. i wanted to but i couldn't. every opportunity i saw and let it fuxkin pass me by. like they were all staring me in the face. i wanted to give him a hug and tell him to c.a.l.l. me but i punked out. i feel soooo bad like dayum wtf is wrong wit me? im not shy but i let things just pass me by nd regret thm hardbody later on. so thts y i gotta do my soul searching to change tht stupid pussy ass move i always do. like really im pissed riite now and the only person i can really b mad at is me.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

bag a nigga

so remember when i was like how the dude i like brother likes me nd i kinda like him? well heres the story, man. they meaning my loser friends at camp wanted me to give him my number nd alex my brothers friend who tlks to swaggs brother aka SB tld me SB wanted my number he wants to tlk to me. so my friend brittany wrote my number in his hand but she had the wrong number so when he called obviously i didnt pick up. he called me when we were waiting in the gym on our bus lines n i saw him on the phone n he was looking at me n i was like wut is he doin? SO ANYWAY yesterday they said that i had to tlk to him or else they'd blow up my spot. so brittany was pestering me on the bus line u betta go over or i am in 5 4 3 2 1. i was like iight! damn im going but come wit me. so we went over there n at first i didnt kno wat to say
so i just said `do u have ur phone
he's like- no its broken
so im like u got a pen
he's like no
so i yelled at melanie my bus counseler to lemme borrow her pen nd thn wrote down my number in her hand. he's like imma use ur phone on the bus to his friend nd his friends like no u not.

thn he called me in the gym nd i was laughin caz i couldn't here wut he was saying it was too loud.

SO ANYWAY when i got home i was supposed to go adventureland which is an amusement park but sudeenly no one could go so i stayed home. nd i was mad nervous like wut if he didnt call me? thn it was like six something nd im my laptop when i see a number idk im like omg omg thn i pick it up like hello nd he's hey nd im like whose this he like * SB*. so we tlking nd he ask me y im so shy im like idk he like u gotta kno. so anyway we tlking how we gonna fight on monday nd all this funny stuff...he think he mad slick tho he be saying sum sexual stuff on the low mad quick thinkin i can't hear him.

EXAMPLE: he know my brother so hes like lemme tlk to ur brother so i asked my mom where ur son nd he like u got a son? im like yea his name is joe nd he says MILF real quick im like WAT!? he like u heard that im like yea! lol but he mad cute .

i can't stop smiling whenever i think about it lol can't wait till monday

Thursday, July 16, 2009

update 'n

so i promised u guys id tell u what happnened but its alot so im gonna list it
1, my ex was getting jealous caz i was tlking to this chocolate cutie named E.
2. the ex hit E nd everyone got mad at him
3. i stopped tlking to him.
4. swaggs brother goes to the camp nd he was eyeing me so i furgured he liked me. when me n my brother n his friend were sitting on our bus line n swaggs brother asks my who am i caz im hot nd he yells thats my sister. so thn im texting this kid alex my brothers friends who's on swaggs brother's ( S.B) bus asking him whats S.B said nd he said i look good.
5. im tlkgin to this boy on my bus and he asks if i have a boyfriend nd im like no nd he's like my friend S.B. likes you. so the problem here is i kinda like him too cuz he is a cuter version of swagg , he got a body odie odie buuuuut this is always the problem he's 14 n gonna b a freshman this yr when im a junior...dayuuum idk man i got this stuff all backwards. but he is a cutie
6. the ex still tryna get wit me even tho he got a girl now...wait scratch that he got 3 girlsfreinds. yep nd everyone except thm kno it. he pretends he is single so he can bag more girls nd comes up to me asking me if i need help wit the kids wit this smile on his face im like uh no.....caz i knew what shit he was tryna pull there...asshole.
7. i saw harry potter last niite wit people from camp and E was there. i ended up sitting next to was kinda akward. plus i was tired nd this kid was making out with this girl from our camp in front of me the whole time like dayummm nd the seat was alll i learn that he was fingering her? wtf son never going to the movies wit them again.

well thn thats all up to date so i'll let u kno what happens next :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

new title!!!

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa got the new like it? owwww lol

Thursday, July 9, 2009

CIT shxt

remember when i tld u guys how i was going to camp or watever? well this week has been full of DRAMA mainly because of my stupid ex lil boi who is so effing annoying but 2morrow im gonna fix this problem nd tell you whats being goiing on in mas detail

Thursday, July 2, 2009


everybody has seems like celebrities r hooked onto that shxt. at first i thought it was stupid but now its grown on thinkin of makin one...wat do ya'll think?

gay ass summer

remember a lonnnng time ago when i tld ya'll about my ex lil' boi? well he called me....nd at first i was happy to hear from him but then he kept talkin about i miss u bullshit nd it mad me not wanna go to camp. well i dont really have a choice anyway i HAVE to go even tho i tried so hard to go somewhere else my mom thinks i'd be "safe" going there caz she'll "know" where i am. im fxckin 16 nd she's acting like i can get a damn job or just stay home nd chill the whole wtf? i wanna get a real job to make sum $$ so i can get all new clothes i want but istead im stuck at that gay ass camp doiing forced labor for no fxckin $$ nd a added "bonus" i get to see my annoying ex-bf....this summer is going to be just wonderful isn't it?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

wanna dance?

lol so last niite i went to a grad part at this place called chemistry lounge. it was mad nice...but thn again i bever been to a club before lol. this dude asked me to dance nd he was cute idk why i said no. i like was standing there for a second thinking should i ....caz mad people was grinding there so i knew thats wat we were gonna do i was just like ok why go thru the trouble. nd he's like why u tryna play me and i just smiled and shook me head. thn he's just standing there on his sidekick and then he asked me wats ur name nd i told him. i regret not dancing wit him tho lol. anyway the party was mad kool caz... RON BROWZ performed. omg i already thought this 'man' was fiiine and seeing him in person omg he got a BODY nd this tattoo on his neck omg he just looked soo gud.... (sigh) i wish i could replay last niiite we left at like 1:30 nd i wanted to stay caz it wasnt even over yet :( lol